Intellectual Property Lawyer

Intellectual Property Law (IPL) is a legal regulation of property, including intangible (incorporeal) creations of human intellect. It could be anything from inventions, new brand, design, software, to technologies. If you are running your business, it becomes crucial for you to understand the intellectual property law. A host of intellectual property lawyers are there for you.
You can easily protect your intellectual assets by filing applications for copyright, industrial design, patent or a trademark.
The law related to intellectual property in the name of Copyright Act of Canada passed in 1921. It amended several times. IP encompasses two types of rights, Industrial property rights (trademarks, patents, designations of origin, industrial designs and models) and copyright (an exclusive legal right of creative work).
The constitution Act of 1867 is the exclusive jurisdiction of the Federal Government of Canada for patent and copyright laws. This constitution act does not contain laws for industrial design and trademarks. However, the federal government enacts legal regulations for both. One of the industrial property rights is referred to as Patent which proscribes others from making, selling or using invention of the original maker. A patented creation happens to be new and novel. There is the Patent Act (R.S.C., 1985, c.P-4) in the law of Canada for patents. While trademark is used to identify wares and services of a company or a person. The Trade-marks Act (R.S.C., 1985, c.T-13) in the law of Canada protects trademarks. Another is Industrial Design Act (R.S.C., 1985, c.I-9) in the Canadian law to protect industrial visible shape, pattern, ornamentation and design. The actual reason behind Intellectual Property Law is to encourage the creation of large variety of intellectual goods. In this respect law give people and businesses right to information and intellectual goods for a limited period of time.

A series of law firms are there in Canada. They staff up a strong team of intellectual property lawyers and legal professionals to help you.
The IP lawyers help clients secure their rights of intellectual property and resolve legal disputes related to IP. Their range of services cover:
- Legal analysis related to the acquisition, infringement and validity related to all types of intellectual property
- Application for obtaining intellectual property rights in Canada and other countries.
- Procurement of intellectual property assets
- Preparation, negotiation and Suggestion on managing intellectual property licensing and transfer agreements, non-disclosure agreements, franchise contracts etc.
In case, you can seek legal advice of an intellectual property lawyer.
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