Express Entry Immigration: The Fastest Way to Get Canadian Permanent Residence

There are many programs and paths that you may use if you are looking to immigrate to Canada, but the fastest and most popular is the Express Entry Program. Here is what you need to know. 

How to apply for express entry

When applying for express entry into Canada, it is a two-step process. First, you will need to submit your profile including the following documents:

  • The results of your language test.
  • Education credential assessment report.
  • Your passport or travel documents.

Once your profile has been submitted, Immigration Canada will send you an invitation to apply for permanent residence. To complete this step of the process, you will have to complete a much more extensive application that will include letters of reference, proof of identity, police checks and medical results. 

Who is eligible for Express Entry?

The Express Entry program is open to those with college or university degrees, skilled work experience, and at least a moderate proficiency in English or French. To be a successful candidate, you must also meet the criteria for one of the following federal immigration programs:

  • Federal Skilled Worker (FSW)
  • Federal Skilled Trades (FST)
  • Canadian Experience Class (CEC)

What other requirements are there for Express Entry?

Generally speaking, in order to be eligible for Express Entry, you must meet the following criteria: 

  • Have at least one year of work experience in a skilled job. 
  • Be able to meet an approved language benchmark in English or French. 
  • Have completed post-secondary education that has been assessed using Canadian standards (though an Education Credential Assessment). 

It is important to note that these are the minimum criteria, and meeting them doesn’t automatically guarantee you will receive an invitation to apply for permanent residency. Candidates with stronger profiles are more likely to receive invitations than those who only meet the minimum criteria. 

What does it cost to apply for Express Entry?

The cost for applying for Express Entry varies from law firm to law firm. It is important to note that along with the legal fee there will be additional fees for your language test, Educational Credential Assessment, biometrics, government fees, medical exam, and police clearance. 

Contact Minhas Lawyers today

If you are applying for Express Entry into Canada, it is important to make sure that your application is complete and accurate. Failure to do so could lead to unnecessary delays or even having your application rejected. An immigration lawyer from Minhas Lawyers can help ensure you have the best chances of your application being accepted. Call us today to get started and book a consultation with one of immigration lawyers! 

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