What is the Next Step if Your Refugee Claim is Rejected in Canada?

Refugee Claim Canada

Successfully qualifying for refugee status can be challenging, and if you have had a previous refugee claim rejected, you may be wondering what to do. Fortunately, there are some steps that you can take that may help to reverse a previous decision. If your claim has been denied, you should seek the help of an…

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How Does a Real Estate Lawyer Help You Safely Navigate Buying and Selling During COVID-19?

real estate law ontario

Working with a real estate lawyer is critically important when you are closing a real estate transaction. Your lawyer can help you with a number of important items from helping you draft or understand the legalities of the sale contract, conducting title searches for you, and ensuring that the funds from the transaction are transferred…

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How to Claim Refugee Status from Inside Canada

refugee claim

To make a refugee status claim from inside Canada, there are certain steps you need to follow and criteria that you need to follow. The process begins online where you will fill an application in the refugee portal. Because the requirements to apply for refugee status are vey precise, it is best to work with…

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