How Age Plays a Massive Role in Migrating to Canada

If you are considering immigrating to Canada, there are a number of factors that will affect your application and whether it gets approved or not.

The Express Entry Canada immigration system works by awarding applicants points in order to quickly determine which immigrants will have the greatest ability to quickly integrate into Canadian society and enjoy the highest levels of economic success. Part of the point system is also aimed at reversing Canada’s trend of having an aging population as the baby boomers reach retirement age and drop out of the labour market.

One of Canada’s goals with its immigration policies is to bring in younger skilled workers who will be able to quickly find jobs in Canada and contribute to the economy.

For years, Canada has been facing a skills crisis and bringing in skilled foreign workers is one of the quickest and best ways to meet the demand for skills that many Canadian employers have right now. In general, younger immigrants are preferred because their younger age generally means that they will spend a long time in the workforce.

When you apply for immigration to Canada under express entry you and your spouse (if you have one) receive a score based on your age. Candidates must score between 415 and 460 in the Comprehensive Ranking System in order to receive an invitation to immigrate to Canada and up to 110 points can be awarded based on age.

Candidates who are between 20-29 years of age will receive the highest number of points for age (110) and these points start to drop off for candidates in their early 30s. The older the candidate is, the more quickly the score declines with 105 points being awarded to a 30-year-old and only 55 points being awarded to a 39-year-old.

What if I am older and wish to immigrate to Canada?

Although immigrating to Canada when you are in your twenties tends to be easier than when you are older, older candidates who do not have enough points still have options if they wish to come to Canada.

For starters, the comprehensive ranking system provides more points to those who have prior study experience in Canada. It also awards those who already have an approved job offer (up to 200 points depending on the type of job). There are also points to be had for those who have certain transferable skills as well as points for candidates who have a validated provincial or territorial nomination.

Contact Minhas Lawyers today

Are you looking to immigrate to Canada and need help navigating Canada’s immigration system? Or are you an employer looking for assistance in sponsoring an economic immigrant to work for your company? If so, we can help. Call us today to speak to an immigration lawyer.

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