5 Tips for Handling Your Change of Employment Contract

As a professional, there may be times throughout your career when it is necessary for there to be a change in your employment contract. This will likely involve a series of discussions or negotiations with your employer. This should give both you and your employer the opportunity to outline your most favorable terms and then give concessions where necessary to accommodate the other party. 

The following are five tips you can follow to help you get the most out of your new employment contract: 

  • Prepare for the agreement

Preparation should always be your first step. Carefully consider what your ideal work situation would be in terms of your duties, realistic salary, work location, vacation days, etc. You may wish to spend some time researching what kinds of pay and benefits others with your skills and experience are getting in their positions. 

You should also consider what your must-haves are as opposed to your nice-to-haves and consider what trade-offs you are willing to make. 

  • Conduct an information exchange

In this stage, each party will typically share what they’d like to give and receive in the contract. By sharing your initial position with your employer – and they with you – it helps you both to explore ways that you can address each other’s interests. 

During this stage, you will also have the opportunity to get clarification on any points that are unclear so that you can reach a better understanding of each other’s interests. 

  • Engage in bargaining

This is a crucial step in the process. It is when you and your employer can begin giving and receiving concessions to ensure that the employment contract works in the interest of both parties. 

  • Reach a conclusion

The end of the bargaining process should result in both parties agreeing to acceptable terms which can then be drafted into a comprehensive employment agreement. The final document should clearly outline your job information such as your title, role requirements, compensation, benefits, allotted time off for vacation, sick days, schedule, employment period, as well as terms concerning termination and severance. 

  • Execute the agreement

The final stage of the process involves executing the agreement and implementing the terms of your new employment contract. As an employee, you will be required to work the hours, duty etc. that you agreed to, and your employer will be required to compensate you as agreed in your contract. 

Why should you work with an employment lawyer?

Whether you are an employee or employer, working with an employment lawyer when you make changes to an employment contract can save you a lot of time and hassle down the road. An employment lawyer will first check to ensure that any terms included in the employment agreement align with Ontario labour law. They will also then work to ensure that your rights are protected and that you are not agreeing to anything that you didn’t mean to agree to. Your lawyer can also explain any terms that are unclear or answer any questions that you may have. 

Contact Minhas Lawyers today

If you are in the process of changing your employment contract, one of our employment lawyers would be happy to consult with you and assist you at each stage of the process. Contact us today to arrange a consultation. 

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