A Commercial Litigation Attorney Can Help Your Firm

commercial Attorney

A Commercial Litigation Attorney is a must-have for any business. Attorneys are an important part of the company and help you in many ways. Let a commercial litigation attorney handle the legal situations so you don’t have to. Don’t wait until you are getting sued to see how a Commercial Litigation Attorney can help you…

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Work Permit

Work Permit

Not everyone is looking to immigrate to Canada; however, instances do arise whereby a dream job or irresistible offer is too good to pass on. You may be reading this article attempting to decipher which documents are required. Do you require assistance from our experienced Immigration Lawyers at Minhas Lawyers LLP? What is a Work…

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Ontario Probate Fee and Estate Administration Tax

Ontario Probate Fee and Estate Administration Tax

The Estate Administration Tax or Probate fee is charged on the value of the estate of a deceased person if an estate certificate is applied for and is issued. The Probate fee is paid by the individual or individuals who apply for estate trustee certificate with or without a will. This tax or probate is…

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Joint Tenants And Tenants in Common


Homeownership is promising as there are many avenues available in Real Estate. In Ontario, concurrent ownership is typically divided into two categories: joint tenancy and tenants in common. In a joint tenancy, the partners own the whole property in equal shares, while tenants in common each have a definite share in the property. When deciding…

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Commencing a lawsuit in Ontario

Commencing lawsuit

If you want to start a lawsuit, it’s a good idea to retain a lawyer to assist you with the process. The first step is typically drafting and filing either a Statement of Claim or a Plaintiff’s Claim. A Plaintiff’s Claim commences proceedings in small claims court, and can be filed if the claimant is…

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Interested in Criminal Law? Read This!

Criminal Lawyer

What causes people to be so interested in this type of law? Some become criminal lawyers because they want to make a difference in their community or their country. Criminal lawyers often want to serve the people, protect, and help those in need. Let’s take a look at what makes criminal law appealing. What is…

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